This tutorial shows you how to use the XML pipeline transformation to load xml data into a table in SAP BO Data Services.


  • Open Data services
  • Create a new job
  • Create a new dataflow – drag & drop from the menu on the right.
  • Go to the Formats tab and Under Nested Schemas , Right Click and select new -> XML schema .
  • In the new Window, enter format name , Select the xsd associated with the xml file and from the Root element name drop down select the name of the root element associated with your xml file.
  • Drag and drop the newly created file format & make it file source.
  • Add a template table as a target , using drag & drop from the datastore area , name the table and select the associated datastore.
  • Add a XML Pipeline Transformation , using drag & drop from the Transformation area.
  • Connect File format source to the xml pipeline transform, connect the xml pipeline transform to the template table object.
  • Open the File Format source and select the xml file name .
  • Open the XML pipeline transform, drag & drop the columns required to the output area.
  • Validate & Run the Job .
  • View the output table to confirm.